

For Static Websites


per month
  • check_circle Development @ ₹200/hr
  • check_circle Basic   SSL Certificate
  • check_circle Basic  Web Hosting
  • cancel Priority Support
  • check_circle 2 Custom Emails
  • check_circle Basic  SEO
  • check_circle 1000 Dyno Hours
  • cancel Priority Maintenance
  • cancel Cloud Storage
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For Small Businesses


per month
  • check_circle Development @ ₹200/hr
  • check_circle Lite   SSL Certificate
  • check_circle Lite  Web Hosting
  • cancel Priority Support
  • check_circle 4 Custom Emails
  • check_circle Lite  SEO
  • check_circle 1500 Dyno Hours
  • cancel Priority Maintenance
  • check_circle Cloud Storage
Contact Us


For Large Businesses


per month
  • check_circle Development @ ₹200/hr
  • check_circle Pro   SSL Certificate
  • check_circle Pro  Web Hosting
  • check_circle Priority Support
  • check_circle 10 Custom Emails
  • check_circle Pro  SEO
  • check_circle 2000 Dyno Hours
  • check_circle Priority Maintenance
  • check_circle Cloud Storage
Contact Us


For Small Applications


per month
  • check_circle Development @ ₹200/hr
  • check_circle Basic  Authentication
  • check_circle Basic  Cloud Firestore
  • cancel Priority Maintenance
  • check_circle Android & iOS
  • check_circle Basic  ASO
  • cancel Play Store Hosting
  • cancel App Store Hosting
  • cancel Cloud Functions
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For Mid-size Applications


per month
  • check_circle Development @ ₹200/hr
  • check_circle Lite  Authentication
  • check_circle Lite  Cloud Firestore
  • check_circle Priority Maintenance
  • check_circle Android & iOS
  • check_circle Lite  ASO
  • check_circle Play Store Hosting
  • cancel App Store Hosting
  • cancel Cloud Functions
Contact Us


For Large Applications


per month
  • check_circle Development @ ₹200/hr
  • check_circle Pro  Authentication
  • check_circle Pro  Cloud Firestore
  • check_circle Priority Maintenance
  • check_circle Android & iOS
  • check_circle Pro  ASO
  • check_circle Play Store Hosting
  • check_circle App Store Hosting
  • check_circle Cloud Functions
Contact Us


Starting at


per month
  • check_circle Social Media Optimised
  • check_circle Basic   Content Creation
  • check_circle Basic  Ad Creation
  • cancel Priority Support
  • check_circle Basic  Design
  • check_circle 1 Post / Day
  • cancel Ad Campaign Management
  • cancel Social Media Management
Contact Us


Starting at


per month
  • check_circle Social Media Optimised
  • check_circle Pro   Content Creation
  • check_circle Pro  Ad Creation
  • check_circle Priority Support
  • check_circle Pro  Design
  • check_circle 1 Post / Day
  • check_circle Ad Campaign Management
  • check_circle Social Media Management
Contact Us

Contact us to know more about how to integrate Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning to your business

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